The Art of Making Scented Candles

The Art of Making Scented Candles

Candle making as an art form has been passed on from our ancestors who used it for the basic purposes of illumination but later relied on it solely for their aesthetically pleasing qualities. This was the advent of scented candles. Scents whether in nature or derived from man-made sources have had a strong grip on our senses. Since time immemorial man has been trying to capture the scents that rejuvenate and vitalize his senses and incorporate it into his hectic and monotonous daily life. The value of the pleasure derived from olfaction cannot be denied.

Making a Scented Candle in 5 Easy Steps

During the aftermath of COVID people had been indulging in some new found interests. Among painting, culinary arts, DIYs projects one thing that people found easy and fun to do was making scented candles. Scented candles, especially are stress busters for their aromatherapy and what better way to relax than to make them yourself. Making a scented candle is more therapeutic than lighting one for sure. It is one art form that does not require a wide range of materials but a few simple tricks will help you gather the few essentials needed to make your very own scented candle. Following our step-by-step guide below you can make a scented candle as a beginner delving into the art of candle making or as a one-time hobby.

Things You Need:

  • Wax
  • Wick
  • Essential oils
  • Double boiler
  • Thermometer
  • Spatula
  • Chopsticks
  • Candle moulds

I. Melt Wax:

Start by prepping the materials and the very first step is to cut or grate the wax. Your choice should either be paraffin or soy. Once you’re done start by melting it. You can use a double boiler for this purpose. Start off by slowly warming it and then keep stirring gently using the spatula. Wax is hard to remove so make sure you use a disposable spatula.

Paraffin wax melts at around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, soy wax melts at approximately 124 degrees Fahrenheit, and beeswax melts at around 145 degrees Fahrenheit. This is where your thermometer comes in handy to measure the temperature so you don’t burn the wax.

II. Add Fragrance:

The next step would be to add your fragrance. Whether you’re using the essential oils or premixed fragrance oils specifically made for making scented candles. If you are using the premade ones make sure to follow the instructions on the pack. In case of essential oils. Once melted, add 80-102 drops of your favorite essential oils directly into pot. Amount depends on type of essential oils and how potent they are.

III. Place Wick:

Then place wicks and secure them with either super glue or by a drop of the wax to the bottom of the candle jar. Make sure the wick is standing straight using chop sticks or popsicle sticks. You can even use pencils instead of them if you don’t have either.

IV. Pour Wax:

Once you have set and made sure the wicks are straight start pouring the wax. You can put more wax in the center because the candles tend to shrink in the middle at times. Pour to fill the candle container just below the top of the rim. Pour slowly to minimize air bubbles. In case of air bubbles you can get rid of them by blowing a hair dryer to disperse the bubbles.

V. Clean and Cure:

The last step is to clean up the mess you have made with preferably paper towels. You can use hot water to soften any wax drips for easily cleaning them up. Once you are done cleaning up then wait patiently for your candle to cure. Since the time it will take to cure depends on the type of wax you have used it can be as little as four hours to as long as ten days. Once the candle has completely dried off you can remove the chopsticks or pencils whatever you have used to hold the wick in place. After that trim the wick and light up your candle and enjoy!

Final Thoughts

Following the above steps for candle making you can try to make one right now. The materials needed for it are readily available and you can get them easily from a craft store or get them online. Make one or many once you get the hang of it, it will take you no time in making one for your desired scent. Make sure you follow all the steps along with the precautions needed to be safe and you will be a pro candle maker in no time.

If you're looking for scented candles at affordable prices, then have a look at our collection of scented candles. We have a wide range of exclusive fragrance candles available with fun and exciting designs. 

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